Auto Accidents
Symptoms of even low velocity car accidents can cause unseen spinal problems and often show up months after the accident.
If your current health situation is the result of an automobile accident your car insurance may pay for your care in our office. Because symptoms from an auto collision can vary from severe to subtle, initially everyone should have a Chiropractic evaluation as soon as possible following an auto collision.
Many victims will state “I just had sore muscles and thought it would go away” only to find it gradually worsened, caused numbness or tingling, and grew into a problem that made work and home activities difficult to perform. Your Port Orchard Chiropractors at Mile Hill Chiropractic Clinic have had extensive training in detecting, documenting and treating injuries from auto collisions.
Documenting the Mechanism of Injury
Documenting Your Health Before the Collision and Injuries You Sustained in the Collision
Computerized Spinal Examination with Myovision’s Technology Documents Muscle and Nerve Function.
Surface Electromyography or sEMG is a device to measure whether the muscles that line your neck and back are functioning normally after some kind of injury. Muscles have the tendency to “brace and guard or tense up” as a natural defense mechanism to pain and injury. The exam detects abnormal muscle function that is caused by or results in pain. This provides proof of a spinal problem when you have suffered an injury.
Another great device for documenting dysfunction is Myovision’s Paraspinal Thermal imaging instrument. This is an extremely sensitive and accepted method of analysis of nerve function.
These state of the art tests are safe, non invasive and cause no pain or irritation. Chiropractic is extremely effective at correcting spinal dysfunctions. The more we know about your problem the more help we can provide.
Treating your Collision Injuries at Mile Hill Chiropractic
The Myovision tests help determine when maximum improvement has been reached. It also helps to determine if residuals requiring “flare up” or “maintenance” care is recommended to keep your condition at its optimum. Along with your chiropractic adjustment, your condition may need ice therapy, intersegmental traction, and strengthening work. We can take care of those needs as well.
Massage therapy is another treatment that helps with the injuries sustained in an auto collision. For your convenience, we have two licensed massage therapists available. If your injuries require medications and diagnostics beyond those we have, we will refer you to a medical doctor, familiar with collision related injuries or specialist as needed. We can also refer for MRI or CT scans and physical therapy.
Give our Port Orchard chiropractic office a call to schedule an appointment so we can help you and your family